CD 4 Om mig selv, min mission og dens betydning

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(CD 4 About Myself, my Mission and its Significance)

Here Martinus tells us about his own role, his childhood and youth and not least the very important spiritual process of initiation in 1921

Model: dk-304
Weight: 0,1 kg
Availability: In stock

Here Martinus tells us about his own role, his childhood and youth and not least the very important spiritual process of initiation in 1921 that enabled him to analyse the eternal nature of life and describe the structures and regularity in the spiritual world that lies behind the known physical world. He tells us about his work with his cosmic analyses and their connection to both Christianity and natural science.

Title:  Om mig selv, min mission og dens betydning
English title: About Myself, my Mission and its Significance
Language: Danish
ISBN: 978-87-575-0286-2
Duration: 55 minutes