Livets skæbnespil - småbog 18

76,00  Incl. VAT
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(The Fate-Play of Life - book 18)

Life is seen as a play in which we are all both actors and the audience. The article THE GREAT BIRTH deals with man’s evolution from ignorance to awake day-conscious knowledge of his own immortality and oneness with God. The book comprises four articles

Model: dk-118
Weight: 0,12 kg
Availability: In stock

Life is seen as a play in which we are all both actors and the audience. The article THE GREAT BIRTH deals with man’s evolution from ignorance to awake day-conscious knowledge of his own immortality and oneness with God. The article PRIMITIVE AND INTELLECTUAL WORSHIP OF GOD describes evolution from instinctive religiousness through materialism to a high-intellectual relationship to God. The article “THE ANIMAL’S IMAGE” AND “GOD’S IMAGE” shows the difference between egoism and neighbourly love as the driving force in man’s consciousness.

Title: Livets skæbnespil
English title: The Fate-Play of Life
Title for Martinus' Collected Works: The Third Testament
Language: Danish
ISBN: 978-87-575-0270-1
Pages: 113