28 shorter books by Martinus have been published. They deal with limited subjects within his world picture. Some of them are small collections of articles. The subjects are described in a simple and easily understood way, and several of the books are well suited as introductory texts.

The birth of a new world culture; the eternal, cosmic structure of life; physical science and the development of the science of love ... Can be recommended as an introductory book
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In this book Martinus gives a moving portrait of what actually happened during Christ’s resurrection and crucifixion
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Here Martinus presents himself and gives us an account of the circumstances that led to the decisive spiritual experiences or cosmic initiation that altered his life completely. Can be recommended as an introductory book
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Spiritual and physical aspects of vegetarianism and meat-eating. As we evolve to become mentally and physically more refined, our nutrition needs to evolve accordingly. Can be recommended as an introductory book.


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True inner peace can be attained only when one has learned to understand and forgive one’s fellow beings. How are we transformed into humane people? The book comprises two articles
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Modern man’s attitude to prayer; prayer as science; intelligence – unsatisfied by dogma but insufficient for the creation of real happiness ... Can be recommended as an introductory book
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Here we are given the key to “the gate of wisdom” and an explanation of true humility. The book comprises three articles. Can be recommended as an introductory book
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Explains how death will stop being a mystery for us. Comprises four articles
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"Why does war and suffering exist?" is one of the questions that make life a mystery, a question that Martinus answers in the title article. Comprises four articles
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To meditate is to think about life. Certain forms of meditation can provoke experiences of cosmic glimpses, but this is not without risk. Meditation on "The Lord’s Prayer" is risk-free. Comprises three articles
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Life guides mankind from darkness to light in a cosmic cycle. Martinus calls darkness and suffering "life’s cosmic school of wisdom". Comprises three articles
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Without the thought of the immortality of all beings it would be impossible to show that life is just. Comprises three articles
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Life is shown to continue after death in spiritual worlds where the so-called “dead” live a fully active, joyous and very individual life between incarnations. Can be recommended as an introductory book
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Availability: In stock In stock

The underlying causes of mankind's present sexual confusion; marriage, relationships, heterosexuality and homosexuality seen in an evolutionary perspective. 32 pages

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The cosmic story of the living being’s evolution and the various aspects of life that relate to it are also seen to be told through the nativity narrative. The virgin birth, the persecution by Herod, the gifts of the three holy kings, and the message of peace and good will as told in the gospels reveal as much about the evolution of society, of science and art, of sexual pole transformation and sexual development as they do about the life of Jesus. And it is this hidden, deeper layer of meaning that Martinus presents to his readers in a fascinating little book that is now available in English, from 10th December 2019, exactly 75 years since Martinus gave the lecture that forms the basis of this book, which he published in Contact Letters during 1945-46. During our own troubled times, reading The Christmas Gospel may throw some warm light this winter.

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