The Third Testament is a comprehensive work comprising thousands of pages. The core of Martinus’ authorship is the seven-volume work Livets Bog (The Book of Life) and the four-volume work The Eternal World Picture. Martinus has also written a large number of shorter books and articles. Below here you can see all published titles in Polish.

(The Ideal Food - book 5)

Spiritual and physical aspects of vegetarianism and meat-eating. As we evolve to become mentally and physically more refined, our nutrition needs to evolve accordingly

52,00  Incl. VAT
( 52,00  Excl. VAT )
Availability: In stock In stock
(The Mystery of Prayer - book 11)

Modern man’s attitude to prayer; prayer as science; intelligence – unsatisfied by dogma but insufficient for the creation of real happiness ... Can be recommended as an introductory book
52,00  Incl. VAT
( 52,00  Excl. VAT )
Availability: In stock In stock
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