Mellem to verdensepoker - småbog 9

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(Between Two World Epochs - book 9)

The conflict between intellectuality and the Christian world picture. Why does darkness exist in the world? Life itself establishes reincarnation as fact

Model: dk-109
Weight: 0,1 kg
Availability: In stock In stock

The conflict between intellectuality and the Christian world picture. Why does darkness exist in the world? Life itself establishes reincarnation as fact. Mankind is in “winter”, the first mental “season” of a gigantic cosmic cycle, and present dark fates are a cosmic “thaw” produced by the cosmic cycle’s “spring”.

Title: Mellem to verdensepoker
English title: Between Two World Epochs
Title for Martinus' Collected Works: The Third Testament
Language: Danish
ISBN: 978-87-575-0260-2
Pages: 87

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