A legtovább éló bálvány - könyv 7
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(The Longest Surviving Idol - book 7)
Within the sphere of religion, unfinished and condemnatory moral views can be found, views that are not in harmony with true Christianity. People's selfishness can even take the form of the "worshipping of idols" or "heathendom", where every man is for himself
Within the sphere of religion, unfinished and condemnatory moral views can be found, views that are not in harmony with true Christianity. People's selfishness can even take the form of the "worshipping of idols" or "heathendom", where every man is for himself
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Within the sphere of religion, unfinished and condemnatory moral views can be found, views that are not in harmony with true Christianity. People's selfishness can even take the form of the "worshipping of idols" or "heathendom", where every man is for himself. Through the evolution of neighbourly love and an intellectual understanding of the "speech of life itself", "heathendom" is transformed into true Christianity, where every man is for his neighbour.
Title: A legtovább éló bálvány
Original Danish title: Den længst levende afgud
English title: The Longest Surviving Idol
Title for Martinus' Collected Works: The Third Testament
Language: Hungarian
Pages: 130