En torno al nacimiento de mi misión - libro 4

44,00  Incl. VAT
( 44,00  Excl. VAT )
(On the Birth of My Mission - book 4)

Here Martinus presents himself and gives us an account of the circumstances that led to the decisive spiritual experiences or cosmic initiation that altered his life completely. Can be recommended as an introductory book
Model: es-104
Weight: 0,13 kg
Availability: In stock

Here Martinus presents himself and gives us an account of the circumstances that led to the decisive spiritual experiences or cosmic initiation that altered his life completely. From then on Martinus had his faculty of intuition under complete day-conscious control. He was able to describe the eternal world picture. All the analyses contained within this world picture show that life’s highest mathematical conclusion can be expressed in the sentence: “Everything is very good”.

Title: En torno al nacimiento de mi misión
Original Danish title: Den ideelle føde
English title: On the Birth of My Mission
Title for Martinus' Collected Works: The Third Testament
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 978-87-575-1437-7
Pages: 70